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Asian Games-South Korea U23 VS Kyrgyzstan U23




South Korea U23 has played 3 times this Asian Games season. The club has 3 wins, 0 losses, and 0 draws, from which South Korea U23 has 2 home victories. The average goals scored and conceded are 12 and 0, respectively, and their difference is +12. The average goal scored by teams when South Korea U23 plays at home is 15. When South Korea U23 hosted opponents at home stadium, the number of matches in which both teams scored was 0, or 0. It takes South Korea U23 an average of 15 minutes to score a goal at its home stadium.


Kyrgyzstan played 3 games in this season's Asian Games tournament. The club won 0 meetings in away matches, and overall has won 1, lost 2 and drawn 0 times. The team has 0 scored and 2 conceded goals, so the goal difference is -2. 45 goals are approximately scored by both teams in Kyrgyzstan away matches. When Kyrgyzstan played away, the number of matches in which both teams scored was 0, which is 0. Kyrgyzstan players need about 45 minutes of game time to score away.




HDP ❱ 3-3.5


Pick ❱ HOME

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