
Finland VS Belgium, Belgium get victory

Match Time:6/22/2021 03:00 Tuesday  (GMT+8)

UEFA European Championship --  Finland   VS   Belgium


Finland Stats: 
In last 10 matches, Finland got 2 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses.
Belgium Stats: 
In last 10 matches, Belgium got 8 wins and 2 draws.
H2H Stats: 
In the last 5 h2h games, Finland got 2 wins and 3 draws, they are on the lower hand.
1x2 Analysis:
Finland against Belgium got 3 wins and 3 draws, but Belgium is different from the past, because Belgium is ranked first in the world. Finland may difficult to win against such formidable opponents.
Handicap Analysis:
For now, 1x2 away win odds have been rising while draw odds are down to 5.00. Belgium appears to have a chance to win.However, from the standpoint of the ranking table, it is not certain that they will be able to eliminate their opponents.As a result, Belgium will not take the risk of the game ending in a draw. Belgium will win.
1X2 Tips: Belgium win
HDP Tips:Belgium-1.5



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