
Lillestrom VS Rosenborg, Rosenborg win

Match Time:6/26/2021 02:00 Saturday  (GMT+8)

Norwegian Tippeligaen --  Lillestrom   VS   Rosenborg

Lillestrom Stats: 
After 6 rounds of Norwegian Tippeligaen, Lillestrom got 3 wins, 0 draw and 3 losses, now they are raking the 9th place with 9 points.
Rosenborg Stats: 
After 9 rounds of Norwegian Tippeligaen, Rosenborg got 4 wins, 2 draws and 3 losses, now they are raking the 4th place with 14 points.
H2H Stats: 
In the last 10 h2h games, Lillestrom got 0 win, 4 draws, 6 losses against Rosenborg, they are on the lower hand.
1X2 Analysis: 
In the last 10 h2h games, Rosenborg got seven wins and kept unbeaten, and they are worth looking forward to get three points in this game.
Handicap Analysis:
According to the h2h stats, Rosenborg can be called as the nemesis of Lillestrom, winning the seven games and keeping unbeaten in the past ten games against Lillestrom. Thus an away win is most probably.
1X2 Tips: Rosenborg win
HDP Tips: Rosenborg 0/-0.5



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