
Mexico Liga MX Femenil-Leon (W) VS Pachuca (W)


Leon (W) has played 10 times this Liga MX, Women, Apertura season. The club has 5 wins, 4 losses, and 1 draws, from which Leon (W) has 6 home victories. Such WDL statistics brought the team to 6 place in the standings.


Pachuca (W) played 10 games in this season's Liga MX, Women, Apertura tournament. The club won 1 meetings in away matches, and overall has won 5, lost 3 and drawn 2 times. The team has 13 scored and 22 conceded goals, so the goal difference is -9. Pachuca (W) is currently in the 7 position in the table.




OVER ❱ 3-3.5



Pick ❱ OVER



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