
La Liga- Villarreal vs Atlético Madrid


On 1st April 2024, Villarreal and Atlético Madrid go head to head in the La Liga. The last meeting ended with the following result : Villarreal 3 - 0 Atlético Madrid.


These 2 teams have met 29 times in the last several seasons based on the data that we have of them.


Out of 29 previous meetings, Villarreal have won 9 matches while Atlético Madrid won 10. 10 matches between them have ended in a draw.


Villarreal is in poor home form while Atlético Madrid are performing average at away.


Previous matches between Villarreal and Atlético Madrid have averaged 2.48 goals while BTTS has happened 48% of the time.


So far this season in the La Liga, Villarreal have averaged 1.27 Points Per Game at home matches and Atlético Madrid 1.07 Points Per Game at away matches.



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